Convening Toward Liberation, launched in January 2023, is the new entity that brings together the established energies of Claim Our Space (founded by Katie Battis-Troyer) and Events by Lady K (founded by Ryan Kroening).

Convening Toward Liberation aims to build on the combined 20+ years of experience we’ve had building our separate entities, and continue to plan inclusive events for our clients around the country! Convening Toward Liberation will allow us to merge our missions:

  • Creating a more connected world through authentic and engaging events that foster deepened relationships within our communities;

  • Changing the world of hospitality, meetings, and events to become truly equitable, rather than maintaining a status quo that has never worked for everyone.

As co-founders, Katie and Ryan are incredibly excited to lean into each other’s brilliance, expand our collective capacity with our combined team’s skills and passions, and lead & teach more visibly in *how* to plan events where every attendee feels like they matter, like they belong, and where they can transform our world toward justice & liberation. 

We are proud to have partnered with Blackbird Revolt on our brand & style, so a HUGE thank you to their team for bringing our visual dreams into reality! 

Our fully built out website will be coming soon! 

In the meantime, if you want to reach out about an upcoming event you’d like to collaborate on, please email us at!

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